Submit Poetry

Therapeutic Poems Wanted

Why Big Seller Expected From Coming Poetry Therapy Publication:

  • Innovation Institute is a world leader in new forms of therapy. Many of our inventions are available worldwide.
  • Biggest seller in 1987. “Closing of the American Mind”. Steve Kays conceived it.
  • Readers can find greater therapy than traditional means. Read and discover yourself.
  • The market for therapeutic poetry is much broader than typical poetry book buyers.

Accepted poems will be published into the coming book “Art Of Poetic Therapy”. They will have a nice cover depicting nature, with quality binding.

Financial Side:

  • Receive 10 free book copies. Get $50 for acceptance of your poetry set. Payment amount can sometimes be higher.
  • Payment: Receive a small check with the books shipped to you. Innovation Institute is not for profit.
  • Prizes: Check or cash. Plus your poems get published. All accepted submissions earn US$50, in addition to any prize monies. For tied awards, winnings are evenly divided. Winners and their poems will be published.
  • Free shipping within U.S. International is just postage without handling fee.


Poems may be translated from English to: Spanish, German, Russian and Japanese. Book printed on paper. Translations available in Kindle only. Translated poems welcome.


  • Previously published poems are welcome if you let us know where they were published. Must be free of copyright restrictions so we can publish.
  • Agreement is signed before publication.
  • Also seeking: Film script writers, poetic music composers. In North San Francisco Bay Area and Scottsdale / Carefree, Arizona seeking actors as well.

How To Submit:

  • Submit your poems at: SubmitToday {at} InnovationsInstitute.Org

Or Write: Poetry Submission, Innovation Institute, Inc, California Business Center, 1652 West Texas Street, Fairfield, California 94533 USA. Poems will not be returned.

  • Include:
    Your poetry. All lengths welcome. Pasted within the body of your email.Links to your social media and websites if you would like them promoted.
  • Submissions accepted year round. Usually reply within one week. Editorial feedback may be provided if we like, or see potential in your poems.
  • Works that proselytizing a particular spirituality or approach over another won’t be considered.
  • Five poems per poet’s submission accepted. Multiple submissions welcome.

How To Write Therapeutic Poetry
What’s Sought In Your Poetry Submissions


  • Shifting the reader’s perspective on life for the better.
  • Inspiring

Gently Magical:

  • Softer love helps people open their tender sides – tough love is for another chapter.
  • Compassionate. Non forceful

Integrating Into A Whole:

  • The lines coming together into a more positive resolution for the human soul.


  • Poetry helping readers find their soul’s refuge.
  • Being non-judgmental.

Beautiful Wisdom:

  • Gateway to higher consciousness.
  • Ability to explain each poem’s therapeutic benefit in terms such as: psychology, spirituality and/or philosophy.
  • Writing for the reader as much as yourself. They could be going thru similar feelings.


  • What is the goal or your poem’s lesson?


  • Minimizing twists of language making it harder for people to understand. Keep readers in their hearts and not just heads figuring your words.
  • Say more in fewer words.

Also Get Your Poems Posted On Twitter Here
If up to 240 characters including spaces.

Innovation Institute
Meditate Muse
Nature Lover
Steve Kays
Growth. And many more.

Sample Therapeutic Poetry 

More at “Guide To Writing Therapeutic Poetry”